In the first episode of the HBO comedy series Sex and the City, Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker) suggests to her friends Samantha (Kim Cattrall), Charlotte (Kristin Davis), and Miranda (Cynthia Nixon), on the occasion of Miranda's 30th birthday, that they should try having sex like men -- just for pleasure and without any illusion of a long-term commitment. Carrie takes the plunge by calling one of her former boyfriends for a one-night stand, but finds it harder to stick to her new policy when she meets Mr. Big (Chris Noth). Carrie tries to fix Miranda up with Skipper (Ben Weber), but while he's taken with her, the feeling is hardly mutual. And Samantha decides to sleep with her latest flame on the first date (Jeffrey R. Nordling) -- much to the amazement of Charlotte, who went out with him as well and didn't think he was worth spending the night with.
- Format: DVD
- Release Date: April 27, 2010
- MPAA Rating:
- Region: 1
- Studio: HBO Home Video
- Sound: Dolby Digital Surround, Monaural
- Discs:2
- Languages: English, Spanish
- Subtitles: English, French
- UPC: 883929128044